Friday, February 16, 2007

Who saved Apple from the brink of bankruptcy?

Microsoft's 150 million dollars in non voting shares and agreed to not sell them for 3 years in 1997...

Get over yourselves (for those that apply). There is an eco system as Steve puts it properly. But he does say Apple needs to succeed, and doesn't have to do it by Microsoft failing... I wish the commercials touched on that, but they don't. I really had no intention of making my last couple of posts about Apple, and why I am so disappointed by their commercials and even more disappointed in the lack of logic their hard core fan base is.

And to bring up a rather unknown to most quote from Steve Jobs himself... Pay attention around 30 seconds... And you will know why the Mac ads work so well...

To be clear, very clear. I have no problem with Apple... I just seem to know a but more than most, and given my career, I'd be horrible at my job if I didn't.

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