Thursday, February 15, 2007

Is Apple lying?

Now ever since the Mac ads came out, I've been annoyed by them. Simply because I can make swiss cheese out of any one of them based on facts. Do I think they're entertaining, yeah. Do I think they're full of bs and push the wrong message for Apple, definitely.

Mainly because they don't sell Macs... They really don't, they just take biased pot shots against PCs... And more recently Vista. Albeit rarely talking about things like the real cost of buying truth-be-told glorified service packs for the original OSX, or taking in account the rest of the world, not just bloggers or others who do a good amount of writing or graphical work... I'm starting to ramble and not making any sense.

Bottom line, the ads are full of bs. They're trying to make people feel cooler for buying Macs, meaning it's getting away from things like performance, build quality, etc. It's pushing emotion over function. Which is fine, except the fact that certain die hard Mac people were confused as to why, given I could afford it, I bought my Vaio AR190G over a Mac Book Pro... Because the Mac didn't have what I needed... Strange concept to them. Yeah, I would have impressed the people at the local cafe with a 17-inch overheating laptop that risked losing it's paint that didn't have enough real state... But it would have glowed that amazing Apple logo, and I would then show that I was hip, maybe even got people talking about how wonderful OSX since it is an amazing operating system besides a few hurdles.

Well I'm not that hip. I'm too practical for the Mac ads to do anything for me. I'm more worried about buying a laptop with something like Blu-Ray, a T.V. tuner, a very good video card, and a 1920x1200 resolution. Sorry, but to me, that stuff is way cooler than widgets even if it doesn't make hipster chicks want to jump in my pants. Plugging my laptop into my fiance's digital cable and having it good to go with recording options outputting via HDMI onto an HD T.V. with a single cable and use my full MCE remote to make it all work... Now that's cool.

But the things I described as cool are geeky and tech hungry which is what really drives technology. Apple only recently started using Intels after the "PC" market propelled competition between Intel and AMD which was driven through IT and gaming... The two genre Apple has barely hit or has a track record of. Which is ironic to me that they then have a commercial about Pcs only being for work when gaming pushed the hardware to be what it is inside the current Apples.

But why is it annoying, because think about a 1900x1200 resolution... I can see the commercial now. They shrink the pc guy, an owl swoops down on him or something of the like showing that at 1900x1200 things are too small, and the cold hard fact that 1900x1200 resolution being better than 1600x1080 for many many users is shoved out the window because it was made a joke, therefore Apple doesn't have to worry about it in it's product line. And that is why I mostly hate the new Apple commercials... I love most of their products; albeit the leaky Mac Pro desktops and exploding/fading Mac Book Pros, but it's not pushing technology... It's just making a joke out of any true progress done by Windows and other hardware. But that's another frustrating thing, the latest Apple line up is solid on the hardware front... yet by the commercials you'd never know it. They're building the best products they ever have, yet instead of selling them, they target Vista and much of the time through lies. Yes, lies... Keep reading.

Truthfully there is no specific point to this post and I only wrote it because I came across this article on tg daily which by all means will explain part of my frustration. I guess there is a point to this post now that I thought about it... You aren't cool because you bought a Mac. And you aren't cool because you got Vista. Because if you think either of those two can be true, then you don't know what you are talking about and put way too much of yourself into buying a piece of hardware. It's a computer, if it works for you, it works for you. If you switched to OSX and love it, don't assume you got this little secret or that everybody would be so much better off with it.

Everybody has their own story, and nobody is cool because of it. I want to be able to think Apple is a solid company... But lately, they're only bsing their way on other people's coat tails and sadly it is working. And I say that as a person that loves OSX for what it is, loves what Apple has done with their latest laptops and desktop and is well versed in branding and marketing.

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