You have got to kidding me. Guys and gals, ya might want to think very long and hard about this video. If you want to download the full two hour video then download it at http://disclosure.netro.ca/npcc.wmv.
If this is factual, then HOLY ****! Wait, did more research... Yes, it is. Least so far.
So I looked on you tube and followed the trail of linked videos from this...
Ionized propulsion systems have been tested by Nasa; click HERE to see what it looks like from the ground and click HERE to see the video from NASA. Here is an extended version of the shot from NASA. To wonder what that orb was in the video it was possibly Zero-Point Energy which you can see an explanation at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w1O2rl8dn8&mode=related&search=
but it's held with alot of criticism. So there is ZPEnergy.com and takes a bit of sifting but you can find alto on there, can't speak for quality.
If you are wondering who was the first to hear of zero point energy it was the Nazis from what I've read and seen in documents from video clips. They also had been building prototypes as well which you can see the rough but original blueprints at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaEUcR_0Lho at exactly 30 seconds in, a very crude sketch that is then broadened upon. Why is this important? Because the current administration has ties to Nazi Germany. And the current administration's father wanted to put lazers in space...
I will be try to write a full timeline to explain why I think this is a huge matter. But in the mean time, please look at the videos. It creates a bunch of dots that have a possible line to them all.
What's up and what's down at this point? I'm not sold on anything, just putting up dots as I see em at this point. If you can find things to be total bs and if you find something that brings that to light then PLEASE post a comment. I want these things discussed if possible. From scientist to pop culture; I would like it to be fluid and open. It'll take some time if that momentum is picked up, but please, please start talking about this.
And yes, I know Phat, Bob Lazaar. And you dang well better comment on this with some solid links :)
"When nothing is sure, everything is possible." - Margaret Drabble
So, many of you are asking about credibility and looky looky I got hookey. But sadly the original stories have since been pulled from the official sites.
I choose to go off on the IDEA of zero point energy. I'm having a slow day at work, and so I figure ... why not use the other half of my brain ;)
What is not said in the little zero point gravity clip is what else is released along with antimatter. Like the gamma rays (you have your alphas (not so bad), betas (little worse), and gammas (holy fuck take lead shelter)). If you were to look at the proportions of antimatter needed versus the amount of gamma rays produced ... you would see that even the best of lead vests wouldn't help your now dead and radiated ass in a matter of milliseconds. Seriously ... milliseconds of exposure would poison you enough to kill you.
How would we harness it???
Another thought. The whole antimatter thing has to be done in a vacuum, so they tell you they have this tube so that the antimatter particle doesn't collide with any matter. Hmmm ... so what the fuck is the tube made of? You can put a charge on the tube to effect the route of travel taken by the antimatter. Anti matter is still very unstable, even in a "controlled" environment. This is like flying on top of an A-Bomb. And we can't even get the insulation right on a "simple" space shuttle.
Love Dearly,
23 y/o's sister;)
I fully agree love. But watch the video, and you realize, we don't have to. Look at the other videos, and you see in the design that the containment seems to be part of the design...
So the question is not a matter of how did we do it. It's a matter of knowing that what those people said in the press conference is real. Now apply that logic and see that the countries that have ties to the history in the uncovered UFO information are the ones that have had major advancements first. China, incredibly smart culture, can't seem to replicate something we did 40 years with 1/100th of the resources.
You know given logic we cannot be alone in the universe, no matter what any religion says. So then what logic is there against it happening now?
I remember talking to Mom and she said how it makes sense for foreign species to bo so different. Well, if you believe in evolution, no, they would be humanoid, as humanoid form is the best for adapting to universal enviroments. Our evolution shows what survives and what doesn't from air, sea, and land.
Then this comes out, and one of the guys with heavy credentials says they cataloged 57 species, many humanoid.
We have to accept that we might have matured to the point to fully experience the reality that the gov seems to have taken steps to restrict an thus making money off of it to keep it that way.
Checkout Screw Those Guys and you will see FCC cover ups, you will see the voting machines easily hacked, etc. You will see that the public has chosen through limited options to not care. Who cares about NASA when we're duct taping our homes? Who's worrying about budget when we're safe? Christianity itself is based on part of the idea of original sin. Therefore, if left alone in a room, you are screwed, you need help.
Really, given what America is and has been over the last 100 years, is it really hard to realize that a company like Lockheed making billions on gov contracts might be able to do a little more research than a college?
Second of all, given the quick technological leaps in Einstein's day but and disregarding that he is not a biologist or doctor by any means...
Why are we inspired to think that we're only using 10% of our brains? You talk about the immense trouble of handling such things but put it all on a timeline. And well, what are we capable if we used more, in comparison to someone who already has used more, consistently. Sorry, but you may be able to help me out, but when did Einstein get a cat scan?
I am not disputing whether or not we are alone. If in all that I have learned, I can make God logical ... how could I be so illogical to think we're alone? It's that whole superiority complex some people have, makes them bias to believing some one/thing "out there" is better than them selves. Possibly.
I am simply disputing the idea of zero point energy. Only cause I see it as having, zero point (at this point in time). The containment "contraption" would have to be so HEAVY. It is a lovely idea. So is cold fusion. I know for sure that corps have more money than colleges. I don't know where that line of thought comes from.
You wouldn't be knocking my college education. No low blows from you on that one. I didn't go to a research institution anyway.
AS for the videos ... I did go through them. I did see their "design" ... idealistic. Think about the size of the reactor needed to simply make these elements they plan on using ... 115 and 116. They aren't even natural elements. Which means we make them in a reactor by bombarding some HUGE element, to begin with, with extra particles? We're talking reactors that have a half mile radius... that is a huge ship ... fuck ship, ENGINE. These elements, protons, electrons, antimatter ... are so unstable also.
I do NOT doubt that there are teams that come up with these ideas and "blue prints" on how to make these things plausible. Look at Da Vinci's notebook. The flying contraption ... ect. I hope someday we are able to harness such wonderful ideas and variations in forms of energy/power.
A CT Scan wouldn't be able to show you how much of Einstein’s brain was "used". I do believe it's in a jar somewhere though ... lets send electricity through it ... that'd be fun. And, well, it may tell us more ... at least help answer your question.
Humanoid ... with both chaos and evolutionary “theories” in mind … there is no question in my mind that they would be “human-like.” There’s that superiority complex again.
The cat scan was a general thing used to give the humor behind believing a guy that never had any relation to the medical world, giving a number when in consideration he's a scientist, he doesn't just give numbers.
The re-occuring problem with the logic presented on why zero point is indeed not feasible is all based on your limited knowledge.
You say the material would have to be heavy... So you are going on the logic that there is not elements outside of Earth? By continually putting things in perspective of what humans' have accomplished then you are perpetuating why something like this might never happen.
Step back and look at the huge curve in advancement starting WW2. Reverse engineer the Manhatten Project and know that we are only told what we need to know.
I am not doubting college acclomades. I am simply saying you are discrediting 450 highly credible resources simply because you haven't been told a way to create zero-point.
Now play devil's advocate and see why a government in charge of keeping momentum throughout the economy would do anything to control the public.
If you watch the full 2 hour video (which anyone should do before posting a comment) then you begin to realize that given their documented history uncovered it only makes sense for a certain party to control what is and what is not reality.
If you wanted to once and fo all prove you had the general public's interest in mind, would you not be okay with creating a series of events (through the CIA, etc) that showed how horrible the dependancy on fossil fuels are for the US. Then on the flip side, release the biggest thing in the history of the world once those series of events goes through.
I am talking about the crazy notion that the CIA and current administration has setup this country to fall and they're right there waiting to be the shoulder. Bush Sr. trained Osama to beat the Russians by draining their economy. Osama Bin Laden then attacks native soil under former CIA Head's son George Bush Jr... The threat is terrorism and we all know since 9/11 there has been methods practiced (threat level color coding) for fear tactics.
My main point in this bloog post is not to prove zero point energy to a scientific mind. Documents say it exist but it's been pretty damn obvious those aren't going to be seen very easily. So as a scientist pause your knowledge base for a moment and ask yourself the contrasting question, if science goes any more steps further in energy then how will people make money off it? Bluntly put, they can't.
Now keep that in mind while looking at a large timeline.
Really, why are you so secure in the reality presented to you. Took years to fathom the a-bomb unles you were involved in the Manhatten Project. In science it seems there is always an equal and opposite reaction. That is only logical. So just because we haven't found the opposite (that containing element to hardness this power) on earth or haven't found it yet even by "normal" non-conspiracy theories with engines and blasting elements together, etc.
So you are saying as a person of scientific mind, you are willing to put human limits on things? You are willing to say no to the equal and opposite reaction? Because the proof hasn't been thrown at you? We live in a world that nothing is for free, we accept equal and opposite reaction, we accept we haven't touched on things unbeknownst to us, yet when it comes ot something crucial for the existence of man you follow all logic presdented by the media and main stream.
To give an example of what is possible when you go outside the realm of physics presented through schools that want to make sure they have their lives at the end of the programs. Look at hydrogen energy and water fractioning.
Hydrogen power is being marketted. The fuel cell requires materials, requires safety measures, it creates jobs.
Water fractioning is a close to real-time electrolosys reaction in water a split second before it is put into the engine. It creates the possability to put your fuel in a zip-lock bag, not a safety, law regulated container. It does not create a ecenomic structure.
What has happened ot the father of water electrolosys? He was murdered aftr being offered 1 Billion dollars by Saudi royalty. Sounds crazy? Yeah, well it is, but it doesn't changed the fact that it happened. And the current projects going on in the US concerning water fractioning have been under attack. Literally; members of teams being ran off the road and threatened at gun point to stop the research.
But outside the US? Australians making hydrogen cars out of 1980 and early 90's volvo's. British grass root scientists creating motobikes that run off water.
Now take those as fact, I can present those as fact at anytime.
Now take the shoes of an economic expert. How would you convert the US off oil so the economy didn't crash. Especilly in consideration od Saudi Royalty owning roughly 7% of our economy one way or another.
Then watch 9/11:Press for Truth (found on Screw Those Guys) and watch the whole thing. Pay attention to the 7th building that wasn't hit by any plane. It is hands down (an acredited MIT professor has proven this) a controlled demolition. But why would they do that? Because it housed hundreds of thousands of active FBI cases on stock exchange fraud.The hard drives have been recovered from the backup servers butalthough all cases were active and pending pre 9/11/2001 and post 9/11 the FBI has stopped all cases despite having all the evidence back. Well, considering if a specific 3rd party owns 7% of the ecnomony, you know their names are in that evidence somewhere.
So then you might think that's because the FBI is so hard working to help get Osama. Then why hasn't 9/11/2001 been put on Osama's record on the FBI top ten?
To further broaden these theories. Remember that G.W.B. came in on the largest surplus in history. The gov spent 100 million dollars to find out if Clinton got a blowjob. That's like what, 2 bucks a sperm for one incident?
How much has Congress set aside for the 9/11 investigation? 3 million dollars. Yes, do the math, that's $1000 per person that died in 9/11/2001 to find out why they died, how, and how to protect countless more. So wondering why those numbers are important? Because you can't argue an industrial military complex when a single bomb can cost 1 Million dollars.
When the gov is willing to spend more on a weapon, than a human being and to help protect countless others, you have to stop and think if they spend that much on a weapon, and we have to pay taxes regardless of what it is spent on, then really, how much of what I am saying sounds ridiculous?
None of it at all.
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