Sunday, December 03, 2006

What would ya do if...

You had a project. You had someone come in around 10 - 15 hours a week or so to work on the project. You then decide the guy isn't going to hit the deadline. But he has been working on it over the last couple of months on and off before you decide he's not going to hit the deadline. He shows promise to hit the deadline given recent progress, but you still need to make the decision as a project manager.

Do you pay him for the time he put in or apologize for coming in and that he's shite out of luck?

I've worked downtown and doing my kind for work long enough to know, ya pay for the time put in. If there was a decision to be made and it was made too late, it is of little consequence to the person who put in the time. It's not good for either party, but it's a bad situation that you don't pawn off on the one doing the work.

Sometimes, I swear, I hate my job. But silver lining, Kayla's Blessing should look good.

Don't ask either, just needed to vent. Those who know the story, know it's not a good one, for anybody.

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