Well, I have been using Flock as my main browser, and it's got dang nifty blog and flickr features. So I figured it has been a bit overdue for whydoyouwork.com to get a blog. I could have gone Word Press, but through using WP on Simple-Coffee.com's blog, I am a bit underwhelmed by it's odd use of divs and spans and the css being convoluted (spelling?) imo.
Anyhow, so as everyone knows, the Apple WWDC has come and gone. And everyone is all antsy in the pantsy for the Xeon based towers. Which they should be, for the price, I might just get one, lol. I'd want to overclock and watercool once the new AMD quad cores come out and do alot of damage, but that's just me. Anyhow, in light of the WWDC, I was thrown back by what I saw as childish and short sighted pokes at Microsoft. I'll only say it once, Microsoft is not comparable to Apple. Apple is comparable only to Sun Systems, and notice how Apple won't make that comparison.... Maybe because Sun Systems does a much better job at being a niche company based on user experience and performance over being hip? Anyhow, I could rant, but I'd rather just have anyone interested go HERE. if you are a "mac zealot" prepare yourself, the facts don't weigh on your side.
Anyhow, work is underway on Transit, Stereotype and *c**a. Closing up the new Three R Plastics right now actually. It's a quick use of css and using LiteBox for the image viewing. Could have made a nice Flash piece to do the same, but hey, this works too. The script weight to do it is far more than what Flash would be, but hey, everyone loves the buzz of "Web 2.0", so I gave it a shot.